Infant Programs: Baby & Me Series
Your baby’s brain is filled with billions of neurons waiting to be connected through sensory stimulation the first 3 years of life and that’s why our Baby & Me series offers a sensory-rich environment to create and strengthen neural pathways to facilitate optimal development for your baby. All of our series are run by our therapists who are developmental experts, meaning you get exclusive and personalized access to evidence-based developmental activities for your baby. Parents and nannies who participate in our programs feel empowered to support baby’s development by learning physical handling strategies and play-based activities for motor and social-emotional development.
We recognize that all babies develop at slightly different rates and that is totally normal. Our lessons are organized by developmental milestone, rather than by chronological age.
Designed to provide engaging opportunities to support the foundational milestones during the first few months of life to set your baby up for success. Good for newborns and novice tummy timers. Lessons include: tummy time, baby massage, side-lying, back and vertical play.
Guidance: 0-4mo
Sensorimotor activities that promote cognition, visual motor skills, communication, and fine and gross motor development that are facilitated in a way that is fun, engaging, and educational as play is the foundation of development. Lessons will include: rolling, sitting, reaching, and crawling.
Guidance: 5-8mo who are not crawling
Designed to develop the foundations that support walking. Playful activity stations will help to strengthen, motivate and challenge your little ones to become strong independent walkers as well as provide new and exciting social opportunities.
Guidance: 8-14mo who are crawling
Offering a sensory-rich environment to create and strengthen neural pathways and to enhance your bond with your child through joyful shared experiences. We create an environment focused on exploratory play that stimulates the vision, touch, sound and movement senses to support your baby's development, and for caregivers to connect while helping their baby play, thrive and grow.
Guidance: 8-14mo who are not primarily walking
Babies are able to communicate to us through signs long before they can speak. Research has shown that baby sign is a helpful communication tool to use when talking to babies to promote early communication skills and improve the parent-child. Benefits of baby sign include increased caregiver-child bonding, reduced tantrums, and more consistency with recognizing your baby’s non-verbal messages for basic needs like thirst, hunger, and sleep.
Guidance: caregivers of babies 8-15mo of age

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